Taylor + Arie - Boise, Idaho Engagements


Two of the most beautiful humans you could meet. Inside & out. This engagement shoot was nothing short of amazing I mean just look at the two of them but what made this night even more incredible was the story Arie had told her fiancé (Taylor) and myself as we were wrapping up the evening. Scroll down to read!

Flash back a few months when I was still pregnant with Ke’ala I asked Taylor if him and his then girlfriend (Arie) would drive up to the foothills with me so I could take some shots on this hill top. His response was “ask Arie, I’m not good at this stuff.” And I did and we planned everything out. I told them I was really wanting to shoot them because 1, they are beautiful people and 2, I wanted to use them in some of my style guides for potential clients. Little did anyone know Arie thought Taylor was going to propose. I literally had no idea she was expecting a proposal so…how disheartening to end the night. with no ring. She said she even went to work the next week and all of her co-workers were asking to see the ring etc. but no ring. Taylor proposed less than two weeks later in her home state of Washington and it was magical but I about died when she told us this story at their actual engagement.

I hope I don’t get in too much trouble for sharing, and hope one day you both can laugh about it.

Love you both!

Xo Christina