Katie & Ryan - 10 year anniversary - Idaho couples

Cheers to 10 years!

AND many more to come! I have known Katie my entire life as she is my first cousin. She is more like a sister as we are only two years apart. Besides being family, we are as close as they come. We grew up in the same town, went to school together, did every holiday together, we’ve laughed together and cried together and everything in between.

Ryan I met when I graduated high school when Katie and him had just begun dating and they truly are a perfect match. They’ve endured many things together, high school, college, physical therapy school, multiple jobs, multiple moves, more physical therapy school, dating from a distance and living across the country but through is all one thing has stayed true, their love for each other.

If you know them you know they are as real and genuine as they come. They are hardworking and kind and just fun loving people. I am happy to call them my family and to have great loving examples by my side.

Thank you for letting me take these fun mountain pictures of you both and your family! Love you long time.

Xo Christina